We are delighted to announce that the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust will be accepting new applications for funding between 11 July and 15 August 2021. Talented and aspiring makers and craftspeople can apply for up to £18,000 to further their education through traditional college courses, vocational training, apprenticeships or one-to-one training with master craftsmen. For further details and to apply please visit www.qest.org.uk/apply
Since it was founded in 1990, QEST has awarded over £5.2 million to 675 individuals working in over 130 different crafts. They define craft broadly and welcome applications from all areas including rural skills, contemporary craft, conservation, luthiery and much more. A directory of their alumni can be seen on their website, along with more details on how to apply – www.qest.org.uk.
They have two application rounds each year – in January and July.
Interested makers can attend a Zoom ‘How To’ session to find out more about the application process and for helpful tips on filling out the application forms. These sessions will take place as follows:
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUudemrqjIiHN3ysqq6JGCPaSHZKW997iQU
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsf-igrjkvHdxoFOuaEYkLqRy4jh8SdXgO
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMscOGhpj4tGNIbJtxfY6gXyQOHr6cOZ7_R
Sign up now to find out if you are eligible for the funding to take your skills to the next level!